Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Calorie Counting

I have gone a few days now keeping an eye on my calories. I also cut out my morning coffee and feel better even though my commute to work is not quite as exciting!
The funny thing about calories is how they add up, definitely not normal. The other funny thing is how all packaged goods have 2-3 servings in them even thought they look small.
The biggest lesson I have learned from the last couple of days is: preparation. If you are prepared you will not get so hungry that you eat all your calories for the whole day in one hour.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Blue Month

I have been really down lately. I have been researching my symptoms and they point to extreme anxiety. I have been grinding my teeth, feeling depressed, lack of control, and feelings of doom.
One of the things that is bugging me most of all is my inability to lose weight. I can ride to work every day for ten months but I can't count my calories and figure out why I am not losing.
Why won't I count? hmmmm seems difficult finding the calorie counter.
Nope, that's not it.
I have thought it through and narrowed it down to: I don't want to count how much of what I am eating. I just ate pancakes and now that I think about it, it would have been simply to jot everything down.
You have to start somewhere. I will start today and for the week I will calculate everything.
I read that pro cyclists on average (women) weigh 1.89 x x inches tall
I calculated my inches (all 60 of them) and came out with 113 pounds.
This means I only need to lose 24 pounds!

Feeling the Blues!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Recap of Holy Week

     Holy week was not as holy as it normally is around the streets of Costa Rica. The past years the streets were empty and the town was like a ghost town. One morning I had the pleasure of riding with a huge full moon.
Moon behind the tree
     I enjoyed riding to work on Friday because the roads were almost empty and I was able to sail down the hills without worrying about crazy drivers.
Good Friday
     The wind was a killer this week and Thursday and Friday's ride was a struggle. I had to stop doing my handstands every night because I was getting spasms in my back. This has led to an overhaul of my strengthening exercises. If I stick with just cycling I see no difference. This week I lost two pounds and I had added core work and upper body work.

     This week in the crock-pot
Pineapple upside down cake - The cake was delicious, easy, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Pumpkin with honey - A traditional dessert in Latin America made with a block of cane sugar and pumpkin.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Be Prepared Grasshoppers

     Note to self: everything is closed on Good Friday. Yesterday I decided to take matters into my own hands and stop eating before bed. Needless to say this morning I was hungry and even hungrier after rolling up to my workplace. On my lunch hour (which is actually breakfast time) I decided to run over and grab a chicken and veggie sandwich, closed. I figured the little side store would have burritos and coffee, closed. I was desperate and in the end ordered a fish sandwich.

     I actually had a delicious lunch ready which consisted of curried pasta with salmon and veggies. My husband ate it. I was the better person and said nothing however inside I was thinking "didn't I just mention how nice it was to have something prepared for work lunch" and " you left the house at 8am, HOW could you eat my salmon pasta that early". Number one rule - be prepared. I could have gotten up early and prepared a bean burrito with my whole wheat tortillas and avocados.

     Tonight I am trying pineapple upside cake in my crock-pot with a nice juicy pineapple picked up from the local market!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Full Moon

     Today I got to ride to work with a big beautiful moon. There was less traffic due to Holy Week and I got to work in record time. I am feeling really good but after taking my last update picture I know what I need to work on. I seem to have lost weight everywhere except for my upper torso and I look out of proportion. The only time I have seen my shoulders small was when I got down to 127 lbs. I am currently at 137.
April Goals
Lose 2 lbs per week
 brush with BS/lemon once a week
Create an upper body workout and do 3x per week

     I will post another update picture the end of April. This way I can really tell a difference and feel a little more motivated. I look so much better than I did but with all of the cycling I expect more. 

     Did I mention how much I love riding to work? no buses, no waiting, no bus or taxi fees. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Why Wind!


     Today I fought with the wind the whole ride to and from work. Had a few good days and thought it was over.........heading into rainy season here.